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How The Paris Wine Cup Is Different and Why Enter Your Wines


The Paris Wine Cup rewards wines that taste great, offer great value and stand-out on shelf.

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Films, books, restaurants – the list goes on - many products in the consumer market are unknown before consumption. Entering the Paris Wine Cup and applying a winning medal (even silver & bronze) to wines improves consumer knowledge and decision making and increases the producers price and reputation.

The modern consumer market is complicated for consumers. Choice on what to spend their disposable income on is almost endless. Films, books, restaurants much of it unknown prior to consumption. How many times have you enjoyed the look of a film from a trailer and then watched it, to find it disappointing, and vice versa. Likewise books, restaurants and so many other items. So consumers need help at the place where it matters the most – point of purchase.

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Entering wines into the Paris Wine Cup improves the consumer decision making helping them select at the point of purchase. The supermarket shelves are crammed with wines, the independent wine stores have racks and racks of wines, all carefully chosen, I’m sure, however when the consumer goes to choose one wine how do they make that decision? A wine with the medal on is a good indicator for them that someone else outside of the store or their immediate influencers chose this wine to win.

It’s a good start, but in order to be sustainable the competition has to be of good standing.

Beverage Trade Network is a leading global platform connecting wineries with importers, distributors and retailers across the wine world. It has developed a judging framework which has become the envy of the wine world and the newly launched Paris Wine Cup.

It judges across three key areas, which are important to consumers when making their purchasing decision – quality, value and presentation.

Ask a consumer what they believe in most and the vast majority will report that quality is the characteristic that matters most. However if they haven’t tried the wine before how can they ‘know’ the quality of your brand’s wine? Beverage Trade Network has a large network of industry professionals including some of the world’s leading sommeliers, many Masters of Wine, experienced traders from the market, influencers and market makers that it recruits from to become judges for the hundreds and thousands of entries to its global competition network.

These judges are tasting wines most days, making commercial decisions, identifying best in class and reviewing. Their huge tasting experience allows them to understand, evaluate and critique wines providing consumers with an expert eye for each wine. Quality is the first assessment of the Paris Wine Cup judge.

Value for money is of critical importance to the consumer and therefore any trader. The second assessment made by the Paris Wine Cup is value for money. A recent study of the French wine market and competitions revealed that winning a Gold Medal increases the traded price by 13% and even a Silver and Bronze adds 4%. In a very conservative market which is struggling to increase value at all this is an order winner!

Psychologists from around the world have studied and proved that we buy with our eyes. Presentation can be a pivotal reason as to why consumers select a wine or indeed the difference between a distributor taking on a new product and not. The last judgement asked of the Paris Wine Cup judges is to assess the presentation in their professional opinion. In a recent sister competition interviews with the Sommelier and Master of Wine, revealed that presentation is not just important on the shelf, but also on the wine list. As a Sommelier recommendation is presented to the consumer, how the bottle looks, its prestige and pristine presentation is critical in affirming the consumers’ choice.

Bringing these scores together then allows the competition to rank the medal winners. As a part of the global Beverage Trade Network, the Paris Wine Cup winners are then promoted throughout the network.

Being competitive in such a crowded market means that appealing to importers, distributors, press, retailers and consumers simultaneously is a demand placed on brands.

By entering and winning in the Paris Wine Cup your brand is communicating to these audiences, whilst also instilling confidence in the trade buyers 

The many events that Paris Wine Cup is planning allow winners to be showcased as well as allowing access to the winning materials with no extra fees. Social media is provided all year round featuring the medal winners, and each Gold Medal Winner’s contact details are sent directly to the buyers registered with the Paris Wine Cup. The extensive global press network allows for access to journalists and titles that are often unreachable for many producers.

The Paris Wine Cup’s carefully designed and intricate yet simple judging process is transparent and easy for consumers and trade to understand. The many additional benefits of entering across the multimedia platforms offered by the parent company Beverage Trade Network effectively leverage the limited resources of the many wine producers around the world, in the beating heart of the world’s finest wine producing country.

Entering the Paris Wine Cup is an order winner for your wine brand.

Entry to the Paris Wine Cup is open for now.

Registration open until 20th February 2020.

Judging takes place March 17th 2020.

Paris Wine CupParis Wine Cup will be assessed and judged by a leading panel of top-level wine buyers with current direct commercial buying responsibility. Or wine consultants and experts who are also directly involved in the development of new wine brands or buying wine for commercial resale.

Put your wines in front of them and get rated by Value, Quality, and Package.  

PWC Entry Process & Fees

Deadline For Submission Is Approaching Fast.

Leading wine brands from around the world now have an opportunity to grow their business and gain the attention of wine buyers, wine directors and influencers globally via the Beverage Trade Network Community.

Submit your wines in the 2020 Paris Wine Cup.

Give A Boost To Your Brand Globally. View Winning Benefits Here.